The Best Trees for Blocking Wind and Sunlight
Since energy conservation is an important environmental issue, the wise homeowner will plant both shade trees and trees that protect their home from the wind. Certain large conifers can provide both shade and wind protection, but most experts recommend planting deciduous shade trees such as maples or oaks. Since they shed their leaves in fall, these trees will not shade the home during winter.
Trees that are thick and bushy near the ground such as most pine trees are best at blocking the wind. Homes that are located in zones 3 to 6 are subjected to temperatures below freezing during winter, so protection from the wind is important. The Norway Spruce, Colorado Blue Spruce and the Eastern White Pine are excellent windbreak choices for these areas.
Many new homeowners are not familiar with the basics of successful tree planting, so it is important that they contact a landscape specialist for advice. Most landscape contractors can offer a list of the best trees for planting to provide both shade and protection from the wind.