Why are trees valuable? (Part 2)
In North America skin cancer is considered the most common form of the disease. Trees protect our youth from dangerous ultra violet rays outdoors. Fruit trees in particular can provide massive amounts of food annually to humans and wildlife simultaneously. The fruit grown by these trees are a huge factor in allowing our ecosystems to remain healthy and thriving. From a mental health factor trees are known to have incredible effects as well. Patients in hospitals have reportedly experienced faster recoveries when they were near trees or they were visible.
Additionally, trees ease anxiety, and anger allowing tranquility and peace of mind to prosper. In one study shoppers were known to spend more area in shopping malls with trees than shopping malls without them. In urban areas where violence is more prevalent the addition of trees has helped to lower crime rates. This is because trees allow for more reflection, and personal relaxation. It’s also worth sharing that trees often act as landmarks or symbols for entire communities. This brings the people inside the communities together, and increases cooperation. There are many reasons why trees are valuable, however it seems the most easily understood is there natural beauty.