The Ugliness of Tree Topping
Topping is not the right thing to do for your tree. First of all, it makes the tree ugly. Although it’s the cheap way of doing things, it’s not the right thing to do, because it can destroy a tree in no time. It kills off the trees ability to generate nourishment. Homeowners get the wrong idea assuming cutting trees when they’re too tall is the right thing to do. Fear is the reason. They’re afraid the tree might be shaken by a good strong wind and create damage.
The problem is created by topping however. When you top a tree, you leave a tree with weak branches. When they grow higher and with more bush. The tree then becomes a dangerous situation where it needs to be taken down. The tree is starved when it’s topped. Once the tree is topped, the next thing that sinks in is disease and insects. They eat away at the tree. The tree then defects and begins to rot. Topping requires more and more work making topping an expensive proposition. It defeats the purpose.
You save money on proper pruning, but you need to maintain the tree more often, because weak branches are left over. Again, what’s the point of going for the cheaper method when in the long run it’s going to cost you more money?