Stump Grinding Guidelines
Stump grinding is an extremely dangerous process and should only ever be completed by arborists who have training, and experience. Many property owners feel that grinding a stump away is a relatively simple task, and therefor they would rather save the money than hire someone who understands all of the safety needs involved. This is highly advised against for many reasons. First, stump grinding equipment can be expensive to rent for a short period of time and requires a great understanding of safety precautions. It’s easy to skip through learning all of the correct safety procedures and have an accident when using the stump grinder.
On the lowest level this can result in damage to your property, or someone else’s. On the most dangerous level it can result in injury or fatality for those near the stump grinder. When you utilize a professional tree service to grind your stumps, you are getting an all for one deal. You get to have someone else grind away your stump without damaging your property, or placing you or your loved ones in danger. Furthermore, you get full access to their training, and experience at an arguably more efficient rate.