Trees during the summer (Part 2)
The vast majority of trees have fruit or fruit seeds. These fruit seeds are fertilized by pollen during the summer. Every year during the summer a tree grows taller, and wider. The branches or limbs of the tree grow towards the sky in an effort to collect more sunlight. The majority of this happens in the spring and it ends towards the end of the summer. Wood that is made during the spring is often referred to as early wood. During the summer this process begins to slow down due to the loss of water in the soil.
The wood that is created during this time is called late wood. In august trees stop making wood and instead choose to put its energy and nutrients to use in storage during the winter. The two woods appreciate different appearances and it’s visible on the inside of the tree trunk. During the summer the outer layer of tree bark keeps the tree safe from insects, disease, dehydration, and wildlife. During the summer trees will see their greatest period of expansion, however they will also put away the energy needed to fight off the harsh winter.