Tree Pruning & Trimming Services in Black Mountain, NC
Pruning and (or) trimming is important to the health and shape of your trees. Sometimes without proper treatment, branches will grow in all different directions. It looks quite unnatural. They may be low hanging branches, and they may also grow into power lines causing large issues. Our job is to trim, prune, and shape these branches so that they’re not interfering or causing issues for people and objects around or below them.
Tree pruning is an art. Most companies claim they prune trees, but many don’t have the proper knowledge. The objective of tree pruning is to consistently maintain and increase the health and aesthetics of your tree(s). It’s actually a mix of quite a few different services. We provide deadwood pickup, sometimes we removed diseased wood bark, provide thinning in the center of the tree, crown reduction and much more. Always make sure to ask your tree service company if they have experience pruning a specific species. Trees take years to grow but only minutes to irreversibly destroy.
An arborist can figure out all kinds of things related to trimming. If you’ve done your research regarding trees, then you’ll quickly realize that there are hundreds of different species and with this comes a variety of unique ways to properly prune a tree. By hiring a certified arborist, we can take all of the guesswork out of how to properly trim and remove dead branches, create air passage as well as provide reductions if needed. Pruning is the best way to preserve as well as enhance the health and structure of your trees.
If you have any questions, concerns or would like a free tree service estimate, give us a call today at (828) 633-4357 or e-mail us.