The Value of Trees to Your Business
Over the years more research on how trees affect a shoppers mind has become more prevalent. These research groups focused on the psychology of how different environments can alter a shopper’s mindset. A wide variety of things were tested in these studies such as lighting, and colors. One of the most important things we have learned via these studies is that shoppers have already developed thoughts on buying from the moment they got into the parking lot.
The verdict is in, and it is consistent. Shoppers have much more positive feelings when they are closer to trees, and see trees. Most shoppers were found to have more enjoyable experiences in malls that had trees. Another interesting tidbit is that shoppers state they don’t mind driving farther distances when they know the destination is more attractive. In other words shoppers are more likely to go to your store if trees are present.
Perhaps the greatest thing we can learn from these studies is that shoppers reported they feel more comfortable spending money when there are trees within sight. This means that locations covered in trees create an environment free from worry, and stress. All in all, it seems that trees have a very positive effect on shoppers.