4 Signs Its Time to Have Your Tree Pruned
Dead Wood: This is a big “no-no” for any type of tree, shrub or plant out there. You may be thinking, “well, if it’s already dead, what’s the point”? We understand the logic but to be clear, deadwood attracts pests, insects and can bring on increased weight that can put unneeded stress on your tree’s structure.
Broken Branches: These should be promptly trimmed or cut away as they will only attract pests, tree disease any may interfere with the tree structure.
Rubbing Branches: These types of branches can cause larger problems over time. They can increase the wounds in your trees increasing the rate of infection or pest presence. They will also put additional weight or stress on the tree affecting it’s overall balance.
Dense Foliage: When the foliage of your tree is dense, we usually provide crown thinning services. This is a form of pruning in which we trim the branches slightly to lighten up the foliage.