Preparing Shrubs for Wintertime

Preparing Shrubs for Wintertime By the time winter arrives, you want to make sure that you’ve prepared your shrubs so that they survive the winter and are ready for the spring. If you live in an area that’s been really dry through the summer your shrubs may already be under drought stress. By watering your…

The Advantages of Stump Removal

The Advantages Of Stump Removal A tree stump is nothing more than a mass of decaying and dying material, which can be very large depending on the size of the tree. It poses a health risk to the rest of your garden and/or landscape. Trees that have been recently felled can produce new suckers off…

Tree Care for Commercial Property

Tree Care For Commercial Property If you have commercial property, you want it to look its best at all times. You want to be preventative so that your trees and shrubs are healthy. After all, you certainly don’t want to be spending money on replacing trees. The best way to ensure your trees are looking…

Tree Planting Advice

Tree Planting Advice Trees make our yards look great, but they do much more than that! They are essential to our well-being and play an important role in climate change. Just a bit of planning on your part will help you to plant trees properly so that they can survive and thrive. Let’s look at…

Why Spray Trees?

Why Spray Trees? The control of tree disease pests and insects on your trees often results in the need to spray. Tree trunk injections and/or soil injections can sometimes work but more often spraying is the answer. Tree spraying can be divided into two categories: Preventative tree sprays and curative tree sprays. Preventative Tree Sprays…